Farage Gets Real: Why Reform UK Attracts Racists and Extremists

Nigel Farage was put to the test during Question Time, when he was asked why his Party attracts “Racists and extremists”. His answer was pure entertainment.

Farage Asked Tough Question

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Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, was asked by an interviewer why his Party attracts “racists and extremists”.

Farage’s Surprise Answer

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Farage’s answer will be a surprise to many, making claims that he has been more influential than anyone else in history at one specific thing.

Reform Volunteers Caught

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The questions come after multiple volunteers who were canvassing for Reform UK were caught making racist comments.

Defending Reform From Racist Behaviour

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While defending his Party from the volunteers’ controversial comments on issues such as migration, Farage was asked the tricky question.

Farage’s Questionable Take

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Nigel Farage, former leader of the Brexit Party, claimed he had done more to drive out the far right than any other politician.

Farage Claims He “Drove Out” BNP

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Farage claimed that he was crucial to driving out the BNP (British National Party) from UK politics before joining UKIP.

Farage “Single-Handedly Destroyed” BNP

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According to Farage, “Nobody has fought harder against the far right in British politics than me. I almost single-handedly destroyed the British National party.”

BNP as an Outlet for Far-Right

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Farage then commented on what happens when members of the far-right don’t have parties like the BNP to voice their racist behaviour.

Farage’s Take on “Destroying” BNP

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“Ironically, I think because we destroyed the BNP, they haven’t got the BNP to go to any more. Farage said before likening the phenomena to the Labour Party.

Comparing Reform to Labour

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Farage claimed, “I think that’s the problem, just as hard-left extremists go to the Labour party.” The Labour Party are currently at the top in the polls to win the election.

Reform Volunteer Makes Major Gaffe

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Farage is under fire after a volunteer for Reform UK made racist, Islamophobic and homophobic comments while secretly being recorded by Channel 4.

Volunteer Suspended

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Since the comments were aired, Farage has been in hot water. The volunteer, Andrew Parker, has since been suspended from the Party.

Deploying the British Army

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Parker suggested that the British Army should be deployed against migrants looking to cross the English Channel before making a violent suggestion.

“Just Shoot Them”

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Parker said that the army should be allowed to shoot the migrants, “get the young recruits there, with guns,” he said before saying, “just shoot them.”

Parker Attacks Prime Minister

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Parker also made racist comments about Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, calling him a racial slur, to which the Prime Minister has responded.

Prime Minister Responds

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Sunak has claimed that Nigel Farage has a lot of “questions to answer” and admitted he was “hurt” and “angered” by the comments.

Farage Calls Investigation a “Set Up”

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Farage has since claimed that the volunteer was “acting” the entire time, calling the whole thing a “set up”.

Parker as an Actor

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Farage has insisted that Parker, who has a career in acting, was paid by Channel 4 to make the comments.

Farage Lacks Evidence to Back Claim

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When asked if he had any evidence to prove this, Farage said that Parker’s acting website was evidence. However, this does not prove he was acting at the time.

Affect on the Polls

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Reform’s reputation will no doubt have been damaged by Parker’s comments, although Farage’s handling of criticism on Question Time could make things worse.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tint Media

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix.

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