Digital Disconnect: 15 UK Spots Plagued by Internet Woes

In the age of remote work, your dream of countryside living or relocating to a quaint English town might come with a significant catch: dodgy internet service. Here’s a heads-up on where buffering becomes a lifestyle.

#1. Rural Cumbria

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Picturesque landscapes, yes, but some areas in rural Cumbria struggle with painfully slow broadband, making video calls more of a freeze-frame experience.

#2. Dartmoor, Devon

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Peter Titmuss

Surrounded by natural beauty, Dartmoor is also encircled by internet connectivity issues. Working remotely here means planning around patchy service.

#3. Norfolk Broads

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Helen Hotson

Boating paradise, yes; broadband haven, no. The Norfolk Broads area faces challenges with reliable internet, crucial for those considering a serene office view.

#4. Cornwall

Image Credit: Shutterstock / RogerMechan

Despite its appeal as a surfer’s paradise, parts of Cornwall are in a digital drought, with some of the slowest internet speeds in England.

#5. North Yorkshire Moors

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Clare Louise Jackson

Remote work in the moors might mean more offline tasks. Internet service in this rural expanse can be as elusive as the heather in bloom.

##6. Lake District

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Duncan Andison

A hotspot for tourists and hikers, but not for high-speed internet. Some areas in the Lake District still lag behind in digital connectivity.

#7. Peak District

Image Credit: Shutterstock / mountaintreks

Beautiful views, yes; streaming 4K videos, not so much. The Peak District’s internet speeds can turn a Netflix night into a buffering bonanza.

#8. Scottish Borders

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dave Head

While technically not England, it’s a popular consideration for movers. Be warned, the picturesque Borders have connectivity that’s as rugged as the terrain.

#9. Isle of Wight

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gordon Bell

Sea views come at the cost of signal views. The island struggles with internet speed, impacting those dreaming of a seaside remote office.

#10. Exmoor, Somerset

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jimmonkphotography

Exmoor’s stunning landscapes are a sight to behold, unless you’re trying to load a webpage. Internet here can be as sparse as the moorland.

#11. Shropshire Hills

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JanireDA

An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with outstandingly slow internet speeds in places, making remote work challenging.

#12. Lincolnshire Wolds

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SourceFour

Gorgeous, rolling countryside with connectivity that often rolls to a stop. Rural Lincolnshire has pockets of poor internet service.

#13. Northumberland National Park

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dave Head

Offering tranquility and starry skies, but a connection that won’t keep up with your streaming ambitions. Remote work here requires patience.

#14. West Wales

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joe Dunckley

Another nudge outside England, but a common retreat. West Wales boasts incredible landscapes and coastal towns with less-than-incredible broadband.

#15. Somerset Levels

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joe Dunckley

While you’re unlikely to be underwater in this wetland area, your internet speed might well be submerged, affecting work and leisure alike.

Think Twice

Image Credit: Shutterstock / bernd.brueggemann

Dreaming of a remote work setup with a view? Make sure to check the internet speeds before you pack up. Your productivity might thank you. Beyond the allure of the countryside or coastal life, ensuring you’re not marooned in a broadband desert is key for seamless remote working.

The post Digital Disconnect: 15 UK Spots Plagued by Internet Woes first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / JanireDA.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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