Amid Public Outcry, Sunak Insists D-Day Exit Shouldn’t Be Politicised

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has urged the public not to “politicise” his decision to leave D-Day celebrations early in an attempt to cling to votes.

Sunak’s Public Plea

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After his controversial decision to leave the 80th anniversary of D-Day early, the Prime Minister has urged the public not to make it about politics.

Sunak’s Worries Ahead of Election

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With a general election coming up on July 4th announced by Rishi Sunak himself, the Prime Minister is showing signs of worry that his decision could affect the final vote count.

Prime Minister’s Apology

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Due to heavy criticism from all across the country on his decision to leave the event early, Sunak issued a formal apology to the public.

Sunak’s Admission of Wrongdoing

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Sunak admitted that his decision to prematurely leave the event in France, which was attended by world leaders and war veterans, was wrong.

Returning Home Before Omaha Beach

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Sunak insisted that “Having participated in all the British events with British veterans, I returned home before the international leaders event later in the day.”

Reflecting on Controversial Decision

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Sunak then claimed that he had reflected on his decision and realised it was a “mistake” before saying “I apologise.”

Sunak Begs Public for One Thing

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Despite his apology, Sunak had one thing to ask of the British public as they make their decision on who should be the next Prime Minister of this country.

“Don’t Politicise This”

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The Prime Minister told the voters “I think it’s important, though, given the enormity of the sacrifice made, that we don’t politicise this.”

Shifting the Focus

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The Prime Minister then asked the public to shift the focus back onto the veterans rather than on him, in an attempt to remove himself from the limelight.

Sunak’s Biggest Worry

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What makes it more worrying for Sunak is that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who is the poll’s favourite to take the premiership, also attended the event.

Sunak and Starmer Attend Normandy Event

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The event started in Normandy, which Sunak and Sir Starmer both attended, before continuing to Omaha Beach, although Sunak decided to head home before this.

Starmer Continues With World Leaders

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Sir Starmer carried on with US President Joe Biden, France President Emmanuel Macron, and other world leaders to Omaha beach where the event continued.

A PR Nightmare

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This decision will be judged by the public and will only dampen Sunak’s hopes of fending off Labour’s dominance, despite him going home to continue campaigning.

Tory Minister Slams Sunak

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Even members of the Tory Party have spoken out against Sunak’s decision, with Penny Mordaunt claiming that the decision was “completely wrong”.

Mordaunt’s Eye on Premiership

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Mordaunt, who is Leader of the House of Commons, was reportedly eyeing up Sunak’s job earlier in the year. 

Tory Rift Deepens

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Although this never came to fruit, the Tories clearly have a rift, with many showing discontent with Sunak before the election announcement.

Mass Tory Exodus Continues

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Elle Aon

Over 70 Tory MPs have either resigned or defected to another Party during Sunak’s reign, showing a lack of confidence that he’s the person to get them over the line come election day.

War Vet Slams Sunak

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Loredana Sangiuliano

War veteran Col Crawford, who spent 20 years serving for the country, criticised Sunak’s decision as misjudged, before giving his election prediction.

Sunak Has “Passed the Premiership to Sir Keir”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix

According to Crawford, Sunak “Passed the Premiership to Sir Keir” after deciding to eave the D-Day celebration early.

No Apology Can Sweeten the Right

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Muhammad Aamir Sumsum

Despite Sunak’s apology, it seems the public, especially the right-wing voters, will struggle to forgive him for his actions.

The post Amid Public Outcry, Sunak Insists D-Day Exit Shouldn’t Be Politicised first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Muhammad Aamir Sumsum.

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