Russian Propagandist Threatens UK With Nuclear Strike: Key Targets Revealed

A Russian propagandist and member of the State Duma has listed seven key UK targets for potential nuclear strikes, warning of catastrophic consequences with just three missiles. Here’s the full story.

Sabre Rattling

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sebastian Castelier

With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine increasingly becoming a bloody stalemate and with Russian forces using mass wave attacks against Ukrainian lines newly supplied with Western weapons, Russian propagandists are increasingly rattling their sabres against the UK instead of tangible battlefield results.

Tensions Escalate

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Tensions between Russia and Western nations have reached staggering new heights following the announcement of US plans to deploy advanced missiles in Germany by 2026. Unsurprisingly, this strategic move by the Pentagon has led to a public outcry from Russian officials, who perceive any move to shore up NATO countries as a direct threat to their national security.

Advanced Missile Deployment

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The missiles in question include Tomahawk cruise missiles, hypersonic weapons, and the Standard Missile-6 (SM-6), seen as significant advancements in NATO’s defensive and offensive capabilities.

Russian Response

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In response to America’s plans, Yevgeny Popov, a prominent Russian propagandist and member of the State Duma, took to his state-controlled television show on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Potential UK Targets

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Melinda Nagy

In a move that was likely more an attempt to shore up national pride following Russia’s long and costly war, Popov outlined specific targets in the UK that Russia could potentially strike in a nuclear attack.

Major Cities Named

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Unsurprisingly, Popov’s list included major cities and critical military installations which, while undoubtedly supposed to illustrate the extent of Russia’s potential retaliation to the perceived slight, have long been known to be targets for any nuclear conflict.

Nuclear Retaliation Consequences

Image Credit: Shutterstock / KinoMasterskaya

Despite such targets being well known ahead of time, as any military analyst worth their salt would identify them as ideal first-strike points, the list of targets offers a chilling glimpse into just how much would be lost should a nuclear confrontation ever spill over into full-fledged armageddon.

Britain at Its Most Vulnerable

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Popov told his audience, “Special attention to Britain, our traditional enemy, as a significant part of the [Russian] Northern Fleet will work against [the UK]. Under attack Washington has put not only London, but also Manchester, Birmingham, the largest naval base Devonport, the Clyde in Scotland, where the King stores his Trident nuclear missiles, Portsmouth as well as Chatham Dockyard in the county of Kent.”

“Civilization Would Collapse”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

He added, “This is Britain at its most vulnerable. Basically, all it would take is three missiles and this civilization would collapse.”

European Capitals at Risk

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

However, Popov’s threats were not limited to the UK alone. By declaring that “all European capitals are at risk,” he is extending his potential list of targets to encompass major capitals and military bases familiar to anyone who has ever played a strategy game.

US Missiles Threaten Russia

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sebastian Castelier

Popov stated, “The Pentagon will deploy missiles in Germany that pose a direct threat to Russia, reaching St Petersburg, Kazan, Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg.”

European Capitals Named

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrea Izzotti

He continued, “It is not difficult to guess the geography of the response if White House [plans] become a reality. All European capitals are at risk [from] our missiles in Kaliningrad – Berlin, Warsaw, all the Baltic republics, Paris, Bucharest, Prague.”

US Military Bases Targeted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bumble Dee

He also listed off American military bases, stating that “Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Patch Barracks [Stuttgart], Spangdahlem, [and] Ramstein” would all be targeted.

US Stance Firm

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gints Ivuskans

The US has remained firm in its stance, with the White House confirming deploying these advanced missile systems as part of its commitment to NATO and European defence. This move is intended to bolster deterrence against potential Russian aggression.

Russian Condemnation

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However, Russian officials, including Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, have condemned the deployment as an “escalatory move” aimed at provoking and intimidating Moscow.

Echoes of the Cold War

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bumble Dee

Russia’s latest attempt to raise the stakes has echoes of the Cold War, where mutual distrust and the threat of nuclear warfare were never far from the minds of the leaders of the West or the USSR.

“Potential Victim Is Capitals”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov articulated this sentiment, stating, “The United States has deployed different kinds of missiles, of different ranges, but traditionally aimed at our country. Our country, accordingly, used these European points as targets for our missiles.”

“Enough Potential to Deter”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

He added, “We have been through all this before, it has all happened before. We have enough potential to deter these missiles. But the potential victim is the capitals of these states.”

Mutually Assured Destruction

Image Credit: Shutterstock / aerogondo2

Despite the global implications of Russia’s threats, it is improbable that any such nuclear assault would ever be carried out. The doctrine of “Mutually Assured Destruction,” where an attack on any nuclear power would warrant an equally powerful counterattack, would mean that there could be no winners of any nuclear war.

Empty Threats

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gokhan Y

Though the situation does demand careful diplomacy, Popov’s statements are empty threats intended to shore up the Russian domestic audience with militaristic pride in the face of a long and grinding war in Ukraine that Russia seems increasingly unable to win despite the country’s economy being on a permanent war footing.

Sabre-Rattling Significance

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

It remains to be seen whether Popov’s threats will have any lasting significance or whether they will turn out to be more sabre-rattling from a Kremlin that increasingly sees itself as isolated and under threat.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Oleg Elkov.

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