MPs Condemn Surge in Anti-Semitism, Warn of Nation ‘Descending Into Darkness’

MPs have spoken out against the rise in anti-semitic behaviour in the UK, suggesting that the country is “descending into darkness”.

Anti-Jewish Behaviour

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A number of MPs have issued a warning to the British public that the country could be about to see its worst days of anti-Jewish rhetoric and beliefs.

Countering Pro-Palestinian Marches

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In a speech that attacks pro-Palestinian protests across the UK, Communities Secretary Michael Gove is fearful for the future of Britain’s Jewish communities.

“Descending into the Darkness”

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According to the Conservative’s Communities Secretary, Britain is “descending into the darkness” around anti-Semitism.

Urging Britons to Act

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Gove linked the freedoms of the Jewish Communities with that of the rest of the country, urging everyone to speak out against discrimination.

Gove’s Assertion on Pro-Palestine Marches

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Despite hailing the good intentions of the people on the marches, Gove insisted that some people are using them to spread anti-Semitic beliefs.

Praising “Thoughtful” Marchers

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Gove suggested that “Many of those on these marches are thoughtful, gentle, compassionate people,” but claimed there’s a darker side to the marches.

Marchers Have “Desire” to End Suffering

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Gove claimed that most people on the marches were “driven by a desire for peace and an end to suffering” of the Palestinian people.

A Mix of Good and Evil

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However, Gove believes these same good-hearted individuals are “side by side with those who are promoting hate.”

Everyone at Risk

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“When Jewish people are under threat, all our freedoms are threatened,” Gove said in his speech in London, citing the protests as exacerbating the situation.

Linking Anti-Semitism to Politics

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A large focus of Gove’s speech was linking anti-semitic behaviour to politics, arguing that when anti-semitism is on the rise, it has an effect on the political spectrum in the UK.

Weakening the “Body Politic”

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Gove insisted that “Growing antisemitism is a fever which weakens the whole body politic” while claiming it unites extremists.

Uniting Extremist Organisations

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Gove suggested that anti-semitism is the “one thing” that “unites the organisations and individuals which give cause for extremist concern.”

Uniting Those of Different Political Beliefs

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According to the Communities Secretary, anti-semitism unites all these extremists no matter their other political views, “Whether Islamist, far right or hard left,” he said.

Labour’s Response to Anti-Semitism Rhetoric

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MPs agreed with Gove’s statements, including Shadow Communities Secretary Angela Rayner of the Labour Party, a Party which has been rife with accusations of anti-semitic behaviour.

Labour’s “Changed” Claims Continues

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Following Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s claims that this is a “changed” Labour Party, Rayner agreed with Gove that anti-semitism should not be tolerated.

Stamping Out Hateful Behaviour on Marches

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“Michael Gove is right that most people on these marches have been protesting peacefully and lawfully, but we cannot tolerate the hateful minority and the appalling incidents of antisemitism,” Rayner said.

Denying Corbyn’s Return

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Recently, Labour insisted that former leader Jeremy Corbyn would not be making a return to politics after being put under investigation and suspended.

Labour’s Rebrand Attempt

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Corbyn was suspended along with Diane Abbott for accusations of anti-semitic behaviour, leading the Labour Party to issue a complete rebrand since 2020.

Reclaiming Public Faith

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Sir Keir Starmer was appointed in 2020 and has attempted to stamp out the anti-semitism within the Labour Party in a bid to become Prime Minister after this year’s general election.

Using Gove’s Speech to Condemn Anti-Semitic Behaviour

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Gove’s speech may have been slightly aimed at Labour’s previous beliefs. However, Rayner used the speech as yet another opportunity to insist that this Labour Party does not tolerate anti-semitism.

The post MPs Condemn Surge in Anti-Semitism, Warn of Nation ‘Descending Into Darkness’ first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez.

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