MP Lee Anderson Under Fire for ‘Disgusting’ Remarks About Traveller Community

Reform UK MP Lee Anderson faces condemnation for doubling down on his “disgusting” comments about the traveller community, reigniting debates on discrimination and community relations. Here’s the full story.

Long History

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Disgraced former Tory Lee Anderson, now Reform UK’s lone MP, has a long history of stirring up controversy.

Racist and Islamophobic

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Anderson, who now represents Ashfield, made remarks about London Mayor Sadiq Khan, widely condemned as racist and Islamophobic, which was what got him kicked out of the Conservative party in the first place. 

Starved for Attention

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However, Anderson has an almost remarkable inability to keep his mouth shut, possibly because, as Reform UK’s sole MP, he knows the best way to get into the headlines is to make controversial statements which will draw attention to him and his newfound fledgling party. 

Here We Go Again

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Never one to disappoint, Anderson has once again sparked controversy with his latest remarks about the traveller community. 

Calculated Controversy

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During a press conference on International Romani Day, Anderson reiterated his contentious stance on the traveller community. 

Pound Shop Superhero

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Anderson had previously installed barriers at a car park entrance to prevent a group of travellers from being able to set up their camp there. 

“Thieves and Vagabonds”

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When asked at the press conference if he regretted his actions, Anderson was defiant, stating, “It’s the travelling community who are just thieves and vagabonds ruining my entire village, and I’d do it again.”

Bonkers for Barriers

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Anderson defended his actions by claiming that he had waited four weeks for Nottinghamshire County Council, which owns the land, to take action. When they failed to do so, he proceeded to construct his own barrier at Strawberry Bank in Huthwaite.

Widespread Outrage

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However, Anderson’s blunt characterization of the travellers as “thieves and vagabonds” has sparked outrage from all across the political spectrum. 

“Disgusting, Inflammatory and Discriminatory”

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The Peace & Justice Project, an advocacy organization founded by former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, condemned Anderson’s remarks as “disgusting, inflammatory and discriminatory.”

MP Sanctioned Discrimination

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They went on to highlight the systemic discrimination faced by the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveler (GRT) community, emphasizing the harmful impact of derogatory stereotypes perpetuated by public figures like Anderson.

Here We Go Again, Again

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This is not even the first time that Anderson has been accused of whipping up hatred towards the traveller community. In June 2021, during a parliamentary debate on the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill, Anderson ranted against the marginalized group.

Good Old Gypsies

Image Credit: Pexels / dilara irem

Anderson stated, “The Gypsy encampments that we are talking about in places such as Ashfield are not the traditional, old-fashioned Gypsies sat there playing the mandolin, flogging lucky heather and telling fortunes.

Harmful Caricatures

Image Credit: Pexels / cottonbro studio

He continued, “The travellers I am talking about are more likely to be seen leaving your garden shed at 3 o’clock in the morning, probably with your lawnmower and half of your tools. That happens every single time they come to Ashfield.”


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Anderson’s remarks were, again, widely condemned at the time, with Sarah Sweeney, who represented the Friends, Families and Travelers charity, characterized his rhetoric as “extremist” and blamed it for “fanning the flames of racial tension.”

Calls for Resignation

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Speaking at the time, Sweeney stated, “Lee Anderson should resign – he is clearly not fit for a role in parliament.”

Visit Andersonland

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However, in a sign of things to come, Anderson was unapologetic even then, stating, “Anybody who is calling for my resignation needs to take a journey into the real world.”

“Illegal Camp”

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He continued, “Come to places like Ashfield and speak to residents who have to put up with the destruction, the anti-social behavior and increasing crime every time an illegal camp sets up in the area.”

Stand Up For Ashfield

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Sarah Sweeney is not the only person calling for Anderson’s resignation. Some of Anderson’s constituents share this position, and they have set up a campaign group, Stand Up For Ashfield, which is attempting to hold Anderson accountable for some of his controversial remarks. 

Acceptable Racism

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One of Anderson’s constituents, Arran Rangi, took to the Byline Times recently to vent his frustration over his MP, who he blames for making racism more acceptable in Britain today. 

Negative Connotations

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He also expressed frustration over Anderson’s constant bad press for the area, writing that “people in Ashfield are sick of hearing our community mentioned every time Lee Anderson makes a prejudiced comment.”

More Acceptable and More Common

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Lee Anderson’s controversial remarks about the traveller community have reignited debates on discrimination and community relations, which are particularly strained at a time when it seems like blatant discrimination is becoming more common and, horrifyingly, more acceptable. 

Refusal to Apologize

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Despite widespread criticism, Anderson refuses to apologize for his statements, which may tear at the fragile glue holding modern society together but ultimately get him the attention he craves for himself and Reform UK as their most notable member. 

Small Chance

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Despite his habit of making outlandish and occasionally racist comments, civil society has taken notice of Anderson’s tactics, frequently calling for him to be censured for his remarks. However, it seems doubtful that this latest outcry will succeed, as others have yet to convince Anderson to keep his mouth closed. 

The post MP Lee Anderson Under Fire for ‘Disgusting’ Remarks About Traveller Community first appeared on Swift Feed.

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