Immigration Overhaul: 21 Labour Policies on Border Control

Labour has clinched victory and is ready to shake things up. With the controversial Rwanda scheme already scrapped, what are their bold plans for transforming UK immigration? Are you ready for the change?

1. Boosting British Workers

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Labour aims to reduce the need for overseas workers by enhancing training for British workers. This initiative targets reducing the current reliance on foreign workers, which stands at approximately 3 million. Are you ready to see more local talent in action?

2. No Migration Target

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Labour believes setting a migration target is unwise, citing past Conservative failures to meet their target of reducing net migration to below 100,000. Do you trust Labour to handle the numbers better without a fixed target?

3. Apprenticeship Overhaul

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Plans include shaking up apprenticeship funding to focus on sectors with high migration. Currently, sectors like construction and healthcare employ over 1.2 million foreign workers combined. Can improved apprenticeships make a dent in these figures?

4. Restricting Visas

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Labour supports more stringent visa restrictions introduced by the previous government, which recently raised the salary threshold for skilled visas by nearly 50%. Do you think this will help British workers get more jobs?

5. Skills Improvement Plans

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A new law will require government departments to create skills improvement plans. These plans are estimated to cost around £500 million annually. Will this investment pay off in reducing foreign worker reliance?

6. Reducing Foreign Worker Reliance

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Labour wants to significantly reduce the economy’s dependence on foreign workers, which currently make up about 17% of the UK workforce. Imagine the impact if more jobs went to local talent!

7. Construction Sector Focus

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Labour intends to cut foreign worker reliance in construction through better local training. The construction industry currently employs over 200,000 foreign workers. Will British workers rise to fill these roles?

8. IT Sector Overhaul

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mircea Moira

Similar measures are planned for the IT sector to boost homegrown talent. With nearly 150,000 IT jobs held by foreign nationals, this sector could see a major shift. Are you ready for more British tech innovations?

9. Social Care Reforms

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The party aims to address social care worker shortages without relying on immigration. Currently, over 16% of social care workers are from abroad. Can Labour’s reforms ensure quality care for our elderly?

10. Health Sector Changes

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Labour plans to upskill British workers to reduce foreign health worker dependency. The NHS employs over 200,000 foreign staff members. Will British healthcare professionals rise to the challenge?

11. Engineering Sector Strategy

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mangkorn Danggura

A focus on training will aim to fill engineering jobs with local workers. Currently, there are around 58,000 foreign engineers in the UK. Can local talent bridge this gap?

12. Higher Salary Thresholds

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Labour supports increasing salary requirements for skilled work visas, impacting around 50,000 visa applications annually. Will this move encourage higher wages for British workers?

13. Lengthening Hiring Bans

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The party wants to extend bans on hiring foreign workers for firms breaking employment laws. This could affect approximately 1,000 firms annually. Will stricter penalties ensure fairer practices?

14. Independent Advisory Committee

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cristian Storto

Labour proposes enhancing the Migration Advisory Committee’s independence and capabilities. The MAC currently influences the fate of around 200,000 work visas each year. Do you believe this will lead to more unbiased decisions?

15. Business Collaboration

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A new partnership between the government and businesses will address skill shortages. This initiative could impact over 500,000 jobs across various sectors. Can collaboration solve the skill gap?

16. Ending Free Movement

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Labour does not intend to reinstate free movement between the UK and the EU, affecting nearly 1.4 million EU nationals in the UK. Do you agree with ending free movement?

17. Skills England Initiative

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A new expert body, Skills England, will oversee national skills development efforts. This body will have a budget of around £100 million annually. Will centralizing skills training yield better results?

18. Points-Based System

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Lara Red

Labour plans to improve the existing points-based immigration system, impacting over 300,000 applications per year. Will a refined system better meet the UK’s needs?

19. Tackling Irregular Migration

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

Labour will focus on dismantling criminal networks facilitating illegal crossings. In 2023, over 45,000 people crossed the Channel illegally. Can Labour’s crackdown make a difference?

20. Returns Agreement With the EU

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Uskarp

A proposed agreement would involve a quid pro quo arrangement with the EU on migrants. This could involve repatriating thousands of migrants each year. Do you think this will help manage the crisis?

21. Scrapping the Rwanda Scheme

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JMundy

Labour has scrapped the controversial Rwanda asylum seeker scheme, which has cost the UK over £120 million. Do you think scrapping this will lead to better solutions for asylum seekers?

What Next?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / chrisdorney

Labour’s multi-faceted approach to tackling immigration is ambitious, but will it work? Only time will tell if these measures will bring the desired changes to the UK’s immigration landscape.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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