Furious Pub Owners Clash with Co-Op Over Controversial Ad

At a time when British pubs need as much support as they can get, the Co-op released an advert that infuriated pub owners across the country.

Co-op Receives Backlash

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

The Co-op has received significant backlash after a contentious advert during the UK’s summer of sport.

British Pubs Gain Boost

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tom Jastram

As the UK gets its summer of sport underway, more people are crowding British pubs to get a glimpse of the action.

Co-op’s Controversial Ad

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kaspars Grinvalds

The Co-op released a controversial advert in an attempt to discourage people from supporting this much-needed resurgence of British pubs.

Undermining Livelihoods

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The Co-op’s advert has been scrutinised by Publicans, who claim the supermarket chain is trying to “Deliberately” undermine Publican’s livelihoods.

Discouraging Pub Use

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The advert encouraged people to stay at home to watch the sport on display this summer rather than go to the pub.

Stay in and Eat Pizza

Image Credit: Shutterstock / frantic00

The advert offered a new deal: “Stay in with two pizzas and get four beers” before claiming the pub was too crowded.

A Strongly Worded Letter

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Monster Ztudio

The advert is no longer than 10 seconds, but that didn’t stop campaigners from writing a letter to the Co-op’s chief executive, Shirine Khoury-Haq.

Targeting British Pubs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / katjen

The letter was written by the Campaign for Pubs and accused the Co-op of creating a “disgraceful” advert targeting pubs at their busiest time of year.

“Disgusted and Deeply Angry”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture

According to the Campaign for Pubs, the group are “disgusted and deeply angry” by the advert before calling the advert an “attack” on businesses.

A Shameless Attack

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kate Aedon

The letter said the Co-op is “a supposedly ethical business” that is “cynically and shamelessly” attacking another business sector.

Calls to Pull the Plug

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sharomka

The Campaign for Pubs has called on the Co-op to pull the plug on the advert and apologise to pubs across the UK, but they will not like the Co-op’s response.

A Disappointing Result

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Denis—S

The Co-op’s spokesperson has responded to the letter, although Campaign for Pubs will be highly disappointed with what they said.

A “Light-Hearted” Response

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Microgen

The response called the advert “light-hearted”, suggesting that Campaign for Pubs’ calls were trivial and the advert would not affect pubs negatively.

Nothing to be Taken Seriously 

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

According to the Co-op spokesperson, the “10-second advert” should be taken as nothing more than a “light-hearted” way of communicating the deal to the customer.

A “Cracking” Co-op Deal

Image Credit: Shutterstock / IxMaster

The advert tells the customer that “if they have made the choice to stay in to watch the football,” then Co-op has a “cracking pizza and beer deal,” the Co-op said.

Cost of Living Crisis

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The response acknowledged that the “cost of living is high” and signified an intention to help customers save money on food and beer during this time.

A Tough Time for Pubs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / luckyraccoon

Pubs and restaurants in the UK faced a torrid time during the COVID-19 pandemic, with almost 10,000 establishments closing permanently in 2020. 

Benefiting From Sport

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nomad_Soul

Now, those who survived can benefit from a summer full of sporting action, pouring the pints for thirsty sports fans.

Sports Fans Spoiled for Choice

Image Credit: Shutterstock / B-D-S Piotr Marcinski

Whether watching England in the Euros, Murray and Radacanu at Wimbledon, or Lewis Hamilton winning the F-1, fans are spoiled for choice this year.

A Disruption to UK Nightlife

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexander Imagery

Co-op’s decision to target pubs could be seen as an attempt to disrupt the resurgence of nightlife in the UK.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / cktravels.com.

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