Ah, the grand pension uplift of £17.35 a week! Here we are, decades of hard work and what do we get? Enough to maybe buy a pint of milk in the future, considering the way prices are going. But, let’s not get all sunshine and rainbows about it. Here’s a list of 21 things to blow your extravagant pension uplift on, if you’re so inclined:
1. Weekly Subscription to “The Good Old Days” Magazine

Because let’s face it, they were better.
2. A Fancy Jar of Pickles

For when you want to reminisce about the time food tasted like food.
3. One Artisanal Bread Loaf

Because bread now needs a backstory and a personality.
4. A Pocket Dictionary

So you can understand what on earth “lit” and “fleek” mean.
5. A Cactus

It’s the only houseplant that won’t die on you after a week.
6. Extra-Strong Reading Glasses

To see through the nonsense of modern television programming.
7. A “Speak Your Mind” Workshop

As if you needed any help with that.
8. A Bingo Night Fund

Because you might win it big, or at least have an excuse to get out of the house.
9. Craft Ale

To find out why everyone’s making such a fuss about beer that tastes like a forest.
10. A Whistle

For directing traffic, or just getting those darn kids off your lawn.
11. A Bulk Purchase of Tea Bags

For all the tea you’ll need to spill while gossiping.
12. A Donation to the “Bring Back Concorde” Fund

It’s about time travel had some class again.
13. A Selfie Stick

To hit the neighbor’s drone out of the sky.
14. A Classic Movie Download

Back when plots made sense and explosions were for special occasions.
15. Packets of Bird Seed

To make feathered friends, because at least birds know how to appreciate a good meal.
16. A Loud Bell for Your Bicycle

Because ringing it is more satisfying than yelling, “Get out of the way!”
17. A Jar of Luxury Jam

Spread it on toast and savor the sweet taste of fiscal irresponsibility.
18. A Book on Sarcasm

Not that you need any pointers.
19. A High-End Chocolate Bar

Unwrap it slowly to savor the fleeting joy of financial splurge.
20. An Expensive Pen

For writing letters of complaint with the style and grace they deserve.
21. A Stash of Stamps

So you’re always ready to send a strongly worded letter at a moment’s notice.
Go Forth and Spend

There you have it. Go forth and spend that £17.35 like the mogul you are, but remember, in the grand scheme of things, it’s probably just enough to keep the pigeons entertained.
The post Boosted UK Pension: 21 Fun Ways to Spend Your Extra Cash first appeared on Swift Feed.
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