20 Peculiar Global Customs That Baffle Brits

Navigating the peculiarities of global cultures can be quite the bewildering adventure for any Brit. Here’s what leaves us scratching our heads when we venture beyond our rainy isle: 1. Dinner at 10 PM Why on earth do some people start dinner when most of us are contemplating our pajamas? Surely there’s a more suitable … Read more

20 Must-Visit UK Beaches You Won’t Believe Exist

The UK’s coastlines are dotted with stunning beaches, from secluded coves to expansive sands. But which ones truly deserve a spot in your summer plans? Let’s explore the top 20, weighing their beauty against the sometimes unpredictable British weather. 20. West Wittering, West Sussex West Wittering offers expansive sandy beaches and stunning views of Chichester … Read more

20 Reasons Why Arming UK Police Is a Dangerous Move

Considering arming UK police? Here are 20 reasons why that’s a spectacularly bad idea, especially when compared to the trigger-happy approach of US law enforcement. 1. Historical Context UK police have a long tradition of being unarmed, dating back to Sir Robert Peel’s formation of the modern police force in 1829. Breaking this tradition would … Read more

18 Nations Tired of British Tourists

British tourists are known for their high spirits and adventurous nature, but not all countries appreciate their presence. Here’s a candid look at 18 countries where British tourists might not be as welcome as they think. 1. Spain Spain is fed up with drunken antics and noise complaints from British tourists, especially in hotspots like … Read more

20 Oddities From the 1990s We’ve Forgotten About

The 90s were a whirlwind of ups and downs, with moments ranging from the amusingly trivial to the seriously impactful. Here’s a blend of the memorable and the forgettable from a uniquely British perspective. 1. The Changing Face of British Soaps The 90s saw British soaps tackle groundbreaking and sometimes controversial topics. From “EastEnders” to … Read more

21 Perks of Retiring Abroad for UK Citizens

Retirement isn’t just about swapping your umbrella for a sunhat; it’s about whether your pension will stretch to that sunhat in the first place. Can trading rainy days for sunny ways truly offset the headaches of currency fluctuations and unfamiliar healthcare systems? 1. Lower Cost of Living In many popular expat havens like Spain or … Read more

21 Reasons Why Immigrants Flock to the UK

Why do so many people choose the UK as their new home? Here’s why this old island is still a magnet for newcomers. 1. Economic Opportunities The UK boasts one of the largest economies globally, offering jobs in finance, tech, and healthcare. London is a major financial hub, but opportunities exist nationwide. 2. Prestigious Universities … Read more