Labour’s Rwanda Scheme Savings: New Plans for Allocated Funds

The newly formed Labour government has announced how it will use the millions of pounds wasted from the scrapped Rwanda scheme.

Government’s Plans

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Millions of pounds that were originally intended to fund the Rwanda scheme will instead be used to create a new Border Security Command.

Taking Money From Rwanda Scheme

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The newly formed Labour government has announced its intentions to take money from the controversial Rwanda Bill.

Starmer Scraps Rwanda

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Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer scrapped the Rwanda scheme on his first day in office, leading to worries about wasted money.

Diverting Flights and Funding

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Now, the Home Office has announced that the tens of millions of pounds previously planned to be spent on shipping migrants to Rwanda will be used elsewhere.

Making Progress

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Newly appointed Home Secretary Yvette Cooper claimed the Labour government “wants to make progress as rapidly as possible.”

Moving on From “Stop the Boats”

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After refusing to use the infamous Tory slogan “Stop the boats”, Cooper coined a new phrase that focused on Labour’s new intentions.

“Smash the Gangs”

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Cooper declared that the Labour government would do everything it could to “Smash the gangs”, diverting attention to people smuggling gangs.

Targeting People Smugglers

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Cooper announced that the gangs were “making millions out of small boat crossings, undermining our border security and putting lives at risk”.

The Root of the Problem

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Niyazz

“We can’t carry on like this. We need to tackle the root of the problem, going after these dangerous criminals and bringing them to justice,” Cooper said.

Border Security Command

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

According to Cooper, Labour will form a new Border Security Command using money from the Rwanda Bill. 

“Boosting” Border Control

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“We are putting the money instead into boosting our border security, and that is why we are today launching the Border Security Command,” said Cooper.

Working With the EU

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Cooper claimed the Command would be working closer with countries in the EU also affected by the issue in a drastic change from the Tories’ tactics.

Inheriting Rwanda Problem

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Cooper admitted they had “inherited” the Rwanda Bill from the previous Conservative government and labelled it a “problem.”

Rwanda Bill a “Gimmick”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JMundy

The Rwanda Bill had been repeatedly branded a “gimmick” by the new Prime Minister back when he was the Leader of the Opposition.

Cost of Rwanda Bill

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The Bill was fought for by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and was set to cost the British taxpayer £300 million before a flight had taken off.

A Promise Kept

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

On his first day in office, the new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, announced that he would keep his promise to abolish the scheme.

Rwanda Bill “Dead And Buried”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matteo Benegiamo

During one of his first addresses to the public, Starmer claimed that the Rwanda Bill was already “dead and buried.”

Rwanda as a “Deterrent”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

After Rishi Sunak claimed it would be used as a “deterrent” to stop people from entering the country illegally, Starmer declared “It’s never been a deterrent.”

Rwanda Scheme Not Working

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“Look at the numbers that have come over in the first six and a bit months of this year. They are record numbers. That is the problem that we are inheriting,” the Prime Minister said.

Reimbursing Rwanda Money

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The Home Office’s decision to reimburse the tens of millions of pounds from the Rwanda Bill to secure the border will answer many people’s concerns.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tint Media

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix.

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