Brexit Regrets: 21 Things Brits Wish We Still Had From the EU

Brexit was sold as the solution to all our problems. But now, the cracks are showing, and we’re longing for the benefits we tossed aside. Ready to see what we’ve lost?

1. Free Movement Across Europe

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Remember when we could travel, work, and live anywhere in the EU without a hitch? Over 1.3 million Brits took full advantage of that freedom before Brexit slammed the door shut. Miss those carefree European adventures?

2. Simplified Travel

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andy Soloman

We used to breeze through European airports with just an ID card. Now, we’re back to the dreaded passport control lines and visa hassles. The EU’s Schengen Area was a dream—are you stuck in longer lines now?

3. Erasmus Program

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rob Wilson

The Erasmus program was a golden ticket for UK students to study in Europe. In 2017 alone, 16,561 UK students benefited from it. Think current students are feeling short-changed without this opportunity?

4. Trade Benefits

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Tariff-free trade with EU member states was a massive boost for our economy. In 2019, 43% of UK exports went straight to the EU. Now, businesses face new tariffs and barriers—feeling the pinch?

5. Funding for Research

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ceri Breeze

EU cash fueled countless UK research projects, especially in our universities. Between 2014 and 2020, the UK bagged €8.8 billion for research and innovation. Wondering if we’re lagging in scientific breakthroughs now?

6. Mutual Recognition of Qualifications

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Uskarp

EU membership meant our professional qualifications were recognized across Europe, opening up job opportunities everywhere. Now, many UK professionals are stuck dealing with bureaucratic nonsense. Is your career taking a hit?

7. Consumer Protections

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mircea Moira

The EU’s robust consumer protection laws ensured we had high standards and safety. Missing those extra layers of protection now that we’re going it alone?

8. Health Insurance

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Summit Art Creations

Remember the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) that covered medical costs while traveling? It’s now a thing of the past for many. How’s that for a vacation buzzkill?

9. Lower Mobile Roaming Charges

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture

Gone are the days of affordable mobile roaming across Europe. The shock of your post-holiday phone bill is back. Missing those cheap calls and data?

10. Easy Customs Processes

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Shipping and receiving goods from Europe used to be a breeze. Now, it’s all customs declarations and delays. Online shopping is a nightmare now, isn’t it?

11. EU Citizenship Rights

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tero Vesalainen

We had the perks of EU citizenship, including the right to live and work in any member state. That’s all gone. Missing your European identity?

12. Environmental Standards

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

EU regulations helped keep our environment clean and safe. Now, there’s a risk of weaker standards. Concerned about what that means for our future?

13. Scientific Collaboration

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Being part of the EU meant easy collaboration with European scientists. Losing this has put many UK research projects at a disadvantage. Are we falling behind in innovation?

14. Financial Services Access

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

UK financial services had passporting rights to operate freely in the EU. Now, firms face barriers and relocations. How’s this affecting the economy with companies moving billions to EU cities?

15. Agricultural Subsidies

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Juice Flair

EU subsidies supported UK farmers, keeping the agricultural sector afloat. The loss of these funds—£3 billion annually—has hit hard. Can UK farming survive without this support?

16. Cultural Exchange Programs

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

EU cultural programs fostered arts and heritage projects across borders. With those connections severed, is our cultural scene losing its vibrancy?

17. Access to Talent

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vivid Brands

The UK benefited from a steady flow of skilled workers from the EU. Restrictions are now causing labor shortages in key industries like healthcare and construction. Is your industry feeling the strain?

18. Infrastructure Projects

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EU funds helped develop UK infrastructure, from roads to public transport. Without this financial support, will our infrastructure progress stall?

19. Food Standards

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EU regulations ensured high food safety and quality standards. With Brexit, there’s a fear these standards might slip. Worried about what’s on your plate?

20. Investment Opportunities

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

EU membership attracted significant investment into the UK. Post-Brexit, some investors are looking elsewhere, costing the UK economy billions. How’s this affecting your business prospects?

21. Stability and Unity

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tsuguliev

Being part of the EU offered a sense of stability and unity in a tumultuous world. Now, the UK is navigating rough waters alone. Do you miss the camaraderie?

Missing the EU Perks

Image Credit: Shutterstock / nito

The Brexit reality is a stark contrast to the promised land. From seamless travel to robust economic benefits, the EU offered plenty that we’re now left longing for. Feeling that Brexit hangover?

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / OLEH SLEPCHENKO

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ink Drop.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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