Michael Gove Caught Mocking Undelivered £350 Million NHS Brexit Pledge

After failing to deliver on a Brexit campaign promise that would fund the NHS by an extra £350 million a week, Michael Gove was caught mocking this deceitful campaign strategy.

Gove Reveals Brexit Belief

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pete Maclaine

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove has revealed he believes the Tories have fulfilled the Brexit campaign’s promise on the NHS.

NHS Funding Promise

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Marbury

During the Conservative’s Brexit campaign led by Boris Johnson, a major promise was made to the public regarding National Health Service funding.

Brexit as a Cash Cow

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO

One key argument for convincing people to vote Britain out of the European Union was the amount of money the country would save by not being in the EU.

Saving the NHS

Image Credit: Shutterstock / mtbennett

Brexit campaigners argued that the country could save an extra £350 million each week from not being in the EU, claiming that all the money would be put into the NHS.

Boasting on Post-Brexit Britain

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jakub Junek

Gove insisted during the Conservative conference that the Tories had succeeded on Brexit, arguing that the country is doing better as a result.

Gove Claims Brexit Was “Delivered”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Melinda Nagy

Gove claimed that “Brexit has been delivered, and membership of the world’s fastest-growing trade block secured.”

Headline Grabbing Statement

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Zerbor

In a moment that grabbed the headlines, the Tory secretary also made the controversial claim that the message regarding NHS funding had also been delivered.

No Evidence to Back NHS Claim

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matthew Troke

Gove asserted, “And there is now more than £350million extra a week for our NHS,” despite there being no evidence that the government has assisted the NHS with this money since Brexit.

London Bus Marketing

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Madrugada Verde

The NHS funding promise was sich an integral part of the Brexit campaign that they plastered the pledge across London buses.

Farage Reveals Truth About Fake Campaign

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Consolidated News Photos

Gove’s statement was a surprising one for many, since Brexit and Reform UK ambassador Nigel Farage has since admitted that there were no real plans to follow through with the claim.

“Promise Made, Promise Delivered”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Billion Photos

Gove made the comment intentionally to upset his Labour counterparts, following through with his statement by adding “promise made, promise delivered.”

Labour Leading in Polls

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrew E Gardner

The Labour Party currently sit 30 points ahead of the Conservatives in the polls ahead of the general election this year.

Mind the Gap

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hakan Kiziltan

Aware of the mighty task ahead of them, the Tories are doing all they can to target older voters in order to close the gap on Labour.

A Dig at Sir Keir Starmer

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix

Gove took the opportunity to slam Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer during his speech, winding up the opposition leader on his Brexit strategy.

Playing to the People

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frame Stock Footage

Gove claimed that the Labour leader was “saying, as he always does, whatever he thought people in the audience wanted to hear,” when deciding where he stood on Brexit.

Starmer’s Alleged Back-and-Forth

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rupert Rivett

Gove said that Starmer “was against Brexit, then wanted to accept Brexit, then wanted a second referendum on Brexit.”

Friends With Jeremy Corbyn

Image Credit: Shutterstock / B. Lenoir

Gove then insisted on claiming that Sir Keir Starmer is friends with former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is suspended for anti-semitism.

Suspended for Anti-Semitism

Image Credit: Shutterstock / chase4concept

Corbyn was replaced by Sir Keir Starmer after he and Dianne Abbott were investigated for their comments on the Jewish Community.

Corbyn to Run as Independent

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix

Sir Keir Starmer has not allowed Jeremy Corbyn to run as a Labour candidate in the general election; he will stand as an independent instead.

Lies and Deceit

Image Credit: Shutterstock / I T S

Gove’s comments at the Conservative conference have received considerable backlash as he makes a mockery of deceiving the referendum voters.

The post Michael Gove Caught Mocking Undelivered £350 Million NHS Brexit Pledge first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / I T S.

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