Cameron Urges Sunak to Avoid Early Election, Focus on Rebuilding Tory Image

A former Prime Minister has urged current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak not to hold a general election to give the Tories more time to sway public opinion.

Lord David Cameron’s Perspective

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Former Prime Minister Lord David Cameron expressed his views on the timing of the upcoming general election.

Endorsement of Election Timing

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Lord Cameron suggests that holding the general election in the second half of the year would be essential so the voters can have more time to judge the government’s performance.

Sunak Needs More Time

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The Foreign Secretary insisted he had confidence in Prime Minister Rishi Sunak although admitted the Party needed more time to sway current public opinion.

Tories Buying Time 

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Although Lord David Cameron insisted that “the plan is working” in government, he also clarified that the Tories must buy more time.

Cameron Insists “Plan Is Working”

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“The longer actually we have between now and the election, the more you’re going to see the plan is working,” Lord Cameron claimed.

Stick to the Plan, Sunak!

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Lord Cameron said in a hypothetical conversation with the Prime Minister, “I’d say to him (the Prime Minister) ‘stick to the plan’.”

Sunak Is “A Good Man”

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The former Prime Minister then heaped praise on Sunak, arguing, “I think the Prime Minister is a good man doing a great job at a difficult time.”

Economy Is Working, According to Cameron

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Lord Cameron echoed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s argument whenever he is asked about a potential election date, citing the economic figures.

Inflation as a Factor

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Lord Cameron insisted that inflation is on its way down after a tumultuous year for British shoppers, “And you’ve got this situation now where you can see inflation coming down.”

Growth of the Economy

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“I think interest rates are going to come down, taxes are coming down, the economy is growing,” Lord Cameron insisted.

Sunak’s Internal Rift

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With many reports suggesting that Rishi Sunak could be ousted by his own Party, Lord Cameron responded to rumours that he could be taking over the Tory Party.

Sunak Is the Man for the Job

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Lord Cameron denied the rumours, claiming that he’s focused on doing his own work while asserting that Sunak is the right man for the job.

Cameron Denies Tory Takeover Rumours

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Lord Cameron was asked about the rumours but responded swiftly with a “no,” claiming he was “part of Rishi’s team” in the House of Lords.

Landslide Defeat Predicted

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Lord Cameron insisted that Sunak was the man to lead the Tory Party through the next general election despite polls suggesting a landslide defeat in on the cards.

Mega Poll Results Predict Tory Fate

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A recent mega poll conducted by YouGov showed that public confidence in the Tory Party was at rock bottom, predicting Labour would walk the general election if it was announced.

Local Elections Reflect Poll Results

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The recent local elections reflected these results, as the Tories lost almost all 500 seats across the country, including the East and West Midlands, and lost out on London yet again.

Labour Defeats Tories in London

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Labour’s Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, defeated Tory candidate Susan Hall in the London Mayoral elections to secure a record-breaking third consecutive term in office.

Labour’s Dominance Hopes Dented

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Despite the Tories losing seats, Labour’s dominance wasn’t as intimidating as expected, with parties like the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party doing surprisingly well.

The post Cameron Urges Sunak to Avoid Early Election, Focus on Rebuilding Tory Image first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis.

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