UK Shops Ditch Self-Checkout Machines in Favour of Human Customer Service

After years of expanding self-checkout options, some supermarkets are shifting back to traditional, staffed tills.

Which Stores Are Backtracking?

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Morrisons has stated they have “gone too far”. Asda has committed to manning more people-powered tills, and Booths has removed all self-checkout tills. Why have they done this?

The Most Annoying Errors of Self-Service

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Customers have complained significantly about the announcement that the “unexpected item in the bagging area” was an error.

Not Every Shopper Wants Them Removed

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Some shoppers have stated they are okay with skipping the queue and using self-service.

Controversial Rise of Self-Service Tills

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In the past 20 years, they have amassed 80,000 self-service tills, fueling the heated debate about whether or not this is a good thing and wanted or even required by the public.

Morrisons Went Too Far

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Morrisons CEO, Rami B told the Telegraph that the store “went a bit too far” with self-checkout expansion, which increased productivity but caused shoppers to dislike the experience.

Manned Tills Returning to Morrisons?

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Morrisons CEO Rami Baitiéh said the supermarket is “reviewing” self-service checkouts in favor of staffed tills. Customers have said they get annoyed, particularly when they have full trolleys.

Asda’s Plans

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Asda has promised to put more staff on manned tills, saying that they have reached a limit with self-service tills as consumers raise their concerns against self-service.

Who Has Removed Self Checkouts Entirely?

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Booths in the north removed self-service tills completely last November. This makes sense as their target customers are of an older generation, who particularly dislike self-service.

What Does the Public Think?

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Beverley Hyrb is from Greater Manchester in Oldham. She said she really dislikes the cameras showing images of her and that they are a nuisance in general. She said, “You see an image of yourself moving about, and I don’t like it.”

The Reason Behind Self-Service Cameras

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Supermarkets will use this technology to record customers and try to prevent shoplifting, which has increased to its highest level in 20 years. This is causing serious concern for supermarkets, who are struggling to combat this crime.

Mental Health Benefits

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Particularly for those suffering from mental health issues or feeling lonely, speaking to a person behind the counter comforts the customer and might be one of the few personable interactions that day.

How Do Disabled People Use Self-Service?

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Disabled people not only find it annoying but also challenging to use. Width deaf and blind people find it particularly challenging.

What Do Disabled People Think?

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Anna Kenyon from Manchester said, “As a deaf person, I can’t hear the beep when I scan items, so I’m always getting in a tangle with them as they don’t always scan correctly. “She said people are much better at adapting to her condition.

Human Connection

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Anna added: “I’ve had some lovely interactions in Aldi where a checkout spontaneously started signing with me. Little moments of connection like that are lovely.”

When Are Self-Service Checkouts a Net Positive?

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Julie Yates, a mother of two adult sons who have autism, says it provides her sons with independence. She adds, “They don’t have to interact with anyone; they can be in and out and gone. “They don’t have to make eye contact or small talk.”

Social Interaction

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Julie Yates added, “My mum and I attend [staffed] checkouts. “It’s a little social interaction; it can be a nice part of the day.”

Speed of Self-Service

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Certain people genuinely prefer self-service checkout for their speed of use and ability to do their shopping very quickly. 74-year-old Trevor Springford says, “It’s all about getting in and out fast without having to queue, get involved in a conversation, or field questions.”

Will Self-Checkouts Disappear Soon?

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It’s unlikely that self-checkouts will disappear anytime soon. There is still significant demand for them. However, the number of self-checkouts will likely slow down in certain regions and reverse somewhat elsewhere.

Opinion of the British Retail Consortium

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The British Retail Consortium said, “Retailers will adapt checkout systems across the stores to meet the diverse needs of their customers.” Having a neutral opinion on the matter.

Customer Opinion Vital

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The retail minds director Ged Futter said that customer feedback is of paramount importance when making these significant changes in supermarket chains.

Are Costings Involved in These Decisions 

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Mr Futter added, “The retailers themselves will always be looking at costs, [but] sometimes when you’re looking at costs, you can go too far,”

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pajor Pawel.

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